Public Lectures
‘The Imagination as a Gateway to Reality’, Sapporo Municipal Library and Information Center, Sapporo, February 2023.
‘Architecture and Climate Change’, Italian Pavilion, La Biennale di Venezia 2021 (on Zoom).
‘Anatomy and Identity: How Models Work’, professorial inaugural lecture, LSE, November 2017.
‘Philosophy of Science in Action’, Philosophy Now Festival 2015, Conway Hall, London, November 2015, with Rudy Fara.
‘Climate Change and Intergenerational Justice’, London Public Library, London/Ontario, October 2014.
‘Evidence Based Policy in the Face of Uncertainty’, plenary lecture, Understanding Risk Forum, organised by the Worldbank, London ExCeL, June 2014.
‘Climate Forecasting with Chaos, or Chaos in Climate Forecasting?’, Philosophy@LSE public lecture, LSE, February 2011.
‘Beyond Mimesis and Convention: Representation in Art and Science’, The Machine Project, Los Angeles, April 2010.
‘Scientific Modelling and the Mirror of Nature’, Department of Geography and Environment, LSE , December 2009.
‘Scientific Modelling and the Mirror of Nature’, Munich Reinsurance, London, July 2009.
‘Does Science Meet Religion on the Cosmological Scale?’, Dana Centre, Science Museum, London, March 2009.