Conference Talks

‘Models, Metaphors, and Scientific Understanding’, keynote lecture at ‘Insights through Metaphors. Metaphors, Pictures, and Epistemic Values’, University of Konstanz, June 2024.

‘Models, Understanding, and Trust’, conference ‘Models And Trust: Highlighting Issues Across Science”, University of Hanover, Germany, June 2024.

‘Stabilizing Understanding’, conference ‘Science & Objectivity’, Barcelona Institute of Analytical Philosophy (BIAP), May 2024.

‘Taming Abundance… and Having the Best of Both Worlds’, Reduction and Inter-Theoretical Relationships in the Sciences, SADAF, Buenos Aires, February 2023.

‘Modalities in Representation’, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, May 2022.

‘Taming Abundance … and Having the Best of Both Worlds’, The 24th Seven Pines Symposium, Minneapolis, May 2022.

‘Articulating Boltzmannian Non-Equilibrium Through Scalar Fields’ PSA 2021, Baltimore, November 2021 (via Zoom).

‘Modelling Nature: the DEKI Account’, Annual Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop, University of Bergen, Norway, November 2020 (via Zoom).

‘Environmental Decision-Making Under Uncertainty’, Philosophy of Science Today, Universidade da Coruña, Spain, March 2020.

‘Unlocking Limits’, Workshop ‘Scientific Understanding and Representation (SURE)’, Bordeaux, February 2019, with James Nguyen.

‘Getting Serious about Keys’, PSA 2018, Seattle, November 2018.

‘Anatomy and Identity: the Inner Life of a Theory’, ‘Workshop on Foundations of Science’, Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico (SADAF), Buenos Aires, September 2018.

‘Modelling and Representing’ and ’Theory and Observation’, international workshop ‘Current Debates in Philosophy of Science: Mathematics, Models and Laws’, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, August 2018.

‘Theory and Observation’, international workshop ‘Representation in Science’, Prague, May 2018.

‘A Tale of Two Mirrors. Questions concerning True Enough’, True Enough? International Book Symposium with Catherine Elgin, University of Innsbruck, March 2018.

‘Can Somebody Please Say What Gibbsian Statistical Mechanics Says?’, Topics in Scientific Philosophy, University of California at Irvine, February 2018.

‘Theoreticity and Observation’, Explanation and Realism in Physical and Biomedical Sciences, University of Barcelona, January 2018.

‘Phase Transitions: Boltzmann Versus Gibbs’, Biennial Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, University of Exeter, September 2017, with Charlotte Werndl.

‘Expert Judgment for Climate Change Adaptation’, Interdisciplinary workshop: Evidence, Uncertainty and Decision Making with a Particular Emphasis on Climate, University of Salzburg, June 2017.

‘Anatomy and Identity: the Inner Life of a Theory’, Workshop in Rigorous Philosophy of Science: The Structure and Semantics of Theories. Erasmus University Rotterdam, January 2017.

‘Fiction and denotation: as different as chalk and cheese?’, international workshop ‘Scientific Contents: Fictions or Abstract Objects?’, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), January 2017.

‘Mind the Gap: Boltzmannian vs Gibbsian Equilibrium’, PSA 2016, Atlanta, November 2016, with Charlotte Werndl.

‘Reconceptualising Equilibrium in Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics and Characterizing its Existence’, Biennial Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Universiät Düsseldorf, September 2015, with Charlotte Werndl.

‘Models, Thought Experiments and the Scientific Imagination’, Conference on Scientific Fictionalism, Institute of Philosophy, London, June 2015, with Fiora Salis.

‘Using Evidence to Inform Good Climate Policy Decisions’, PSA 2014, Chicago, November 2014, with Erica Thompson.

‘Rethinking Boltzmannian Equilibrium’, PSA 2014, Chicago, November 2014, with Charlotte Werndl.

‘Local High-Resolution Climate Projections: Why a Multi-Model Approach Doesn’t Help’, Multi-Model Approaches in the Sciences, Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science, Boston University, October 2014.

‘Fiction in Science’, invited lecture at ‘Fictions’, Bucharest, National School of Political Studies and Administration, April 2014.

‘Fiction and Fiction: Mind the Gap’, Modeling/Modelling, The Courtauld Institute of Art, London, March 2014.

‘Laplace’s Demon and the Adventures of his Apprentices’, Probabilistic Modelling in Science and Philosophy, University of Berne, Switzerland, October 2013.

‘The Myopia of Imperfect Climate Models’, PSA 2012, San Diego, November 2012, with Lenny Smith.

‘Laplace’s Demon and the Adventures of His Apprentice’, Explanation, Models and Simulation in the Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Barcelona, October 2012.

‘Laplace’s Demon and the Adventures of His Apprentice’, International Conference on Scientific Explanation and Methodology of Science. Shanxi University, Taiyuan, China, September 2012.

‘Climate Forecasting with Chaos, or Chaos in Climate Forecasting?’, Conference ‘Knowing and Understanding trough Computer Simulations’, Institut d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (Sorbonne Paris 1) and Ecole Normale Supérieur (Paris), June 2011.

‘Who’s Afraid of Nagelian Reduction?’, Third conference of the ESF Research Networking Programme ‘The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective’ (PSE), London, December 2010.

‘Why Boltzmann Got it Almost Right After All’, PSA 2010, Montreal, November 2010, with Charlotte Werndl.

‘Explaining the Approach to Equilibrium in Terms of Epsilon-Ergodicity’, British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, Dublin, July 2010, with Charlotte Werndl.

‘Decision-Making with Climate Models’, Modeling in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Paris, May 2010, with Seamus Bradley.

‘Make-Believe and Scientific Modelling’, Model -Building and Make-Believe, Harvard University, March 2010.

‘The Hazards of Living in a Non-Linear World – Reply to Leonard Smith’, Barcelona Conference on Causality and Explanation in Physics, Biology and Economics, February 2010.

‘Explaining the Approach to Equilibrium: A New Account of Typicality’, 2nd biannual conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA), Free University Amsterdam, October 2009.

‘Explaining the Approach to Equilibrium: A New Account of Typicality’, British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, University of East Anglia, July 2009.

‘Fiction and Scientific Representation’, ‘Models and Fictions’, Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies, May 2009.

‘Why We Need Fictions to Understand Models’, ‘Models and Fictions’ conference, London, March 2009.

‘Probability in Deterministic Systems’, The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science, opening conference of the ESF Research Networking Programme ‘The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective’ (PSE), Vienna, December 2008.

‘Why Typicality Does Not Explain the Approach to Equilibrium’, The Probable and the Improbable: The Meaning and Role of Probability in Physics, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, December 2008.

‘Typicality and the Approach to Equilibrium in Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics’, PSA 2008, Pittsburgh, November 2008.

‘Models and Fiction’, Centre for Literature and Philosophy Inaugural Conference, University of Sussex, June 2008.

‘Reductionism in Statistical Mechanics: Problems and Projects’, Reduction, Emergence and Physics, workshop accompanying the conference ‘Reduction and the Special Sciences’, University of Tilburg, April 2008.

‘Fact and Fiction in the Neuropsychology of Art – Reply to Dahlia Zaidel’, Aesthetic Psychology, Durham, September 2007.

‘Chance and Determinism’, Philosophy of Science Conference, Dubrovnik, April 2007.

‘Objective Chance in Statistical Mechanics’, PSA 2006, Vancouver, November 2006.

‘The Interpretation of Probability in Boltzmann’s Approach to Statistical Mechanics’, Causal and Classical Concepts in Science: II International Workshop. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, October 2006.

‘Chance in Classical Statistical Mechanics’, Annual Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science University of Southampton, July 2006.

‘Probability in Spontaneous Localisation Approaches to Quantum Mechanics’, 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Exact Philosophy, University of California, San Diego, May 2006.

‘Chance in Classical Statistical Mechanics’, Time, Chance and Reduction – Philosophical Aspects of Statistical Mechanics, Munich, March 2006.

‘Entropy and Randomness in Dynamical Systems’, 2nd Workshop on Special Philosophy of Science, Universitat de Barcelona, October 2005.

‘Models, Explanation, and Understanding’, Philosophical Perspectives on Scientific Understanding, Amsterdam, August 2005.

‘Why Scientific Representation Cannot Be Naturalised’, Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, University of Kent at Canterbury, July 2004.

‘Why Current Accounts of Scientific Representations are Blind Alleys’, British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, University of Kent at Canterbury, July 2004.

‘In What Sense Is the Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy a Measure for Chaotic Behaviour? – Bridging the Gap Between Dynamical Systems Theory and Communication Theory’, European Science Foundation Conference on Philosophical and Foundational Issues in Statistical Physics, Utrecht, November 2003.

‘In What Sense Is the Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy a Measure for Chaotic Behaviour? – Bridging the Gap Between Dynamical Systems Theory and Communication Theory’, 12th Foundations of Physics Conference. Leeds, August 2003.

‘Why Structuralism In the Natural Sciences Is a Dead End’, 21st World Congress of Philosophy, Istanbul, August 2003.

‘The Ergodic Hierarchy, Decay of Correlations, and Chaos’, New Directions in the Philosophy of Physics, American Institute of Physics, College Park, Maryland, May 2002, with Joseph Berkovitz and Fred Kronz.